Sunday, March 10, 2013


Preliminary warning

Before you jump into your first game of DotA2 I want to get you prepared. A game of DotA2 can last anywhere from 20-60 minutes on average and DotA2 is not a forgiving game to newbies. It is one of the steepest learning curves of any game I know but is ultimately rewarding. When you begin to play, people WILL be mad at you. Why? Because when everyone clicks that "Find match" button you make an agreement to 9 other people. You tell them "I offer you an hour of my life if you offer me an hour of yours to play DotA2". So when someone comes and ruins that hour for 9 others, people get mad. DO NOT LET THOSE PEOPLES ANGER DISCOURAGE YOU! As you learn and get better you will eventually reach a point where you are no longer a burden for your allies and you will be the rallying force that will win games for your team! Exciting, isn't it?

The second warning I have for you is that this game is addictive - it WILL take over your life and thoughts. You will dream about Juggernaut, you will make jokes that deer's are Enchantress, you will become the nerd you never knew you could be. And that. Is. Awesome. You will find pride and confidence in the fact that you can dedicate yourself wholeheartedly into learning to master DotA2. Just like the grandmasters of chess, you will begin to learn the basics of each tactic, strategy and idea. Before long you will find yourself mastering the new love of your life, DotA2.

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